Medusa Hair

3 01 2014

Here’s a quick sketch of a character from a friend’s story.  I had so much fun with the hair!  Enjoy.


The Tumulus

1 06 2012

Lately, I have been trying to work off photographs or to draw nature on location.  I am hoping these excercises will help me improve my backgrounds when I just draw images for fun.   Here is the most recent image:

The mound in the background is a tumulus, or burial mound.   I based the background on a photograph that I took during my time in Denmark.   I made up the girl, but her clothing is Scandinavian influenced.   As a added bonus, it’s colored!  Enjoy!

Drowsy girl in Cat Hat

23 05 2012

Ugh, I have been so bad about updating this blog.   Anyways, here’s an old picture of mine.   I can sort of sympathize with her drowsy state.   Hope you enjoy!

The Warrior Sleeps

8 05 2012

An older picture that I did some time ago.   The title is based on a poem that I wrote called “The Warrior Sleeps.”

Here’s a close up of the girl as well.


Another Cute Dragon picture

19 04 2012

I drew this some time ago and thought it was just too cute not to post.   I really like how the girl and the dragon interact with each other.   Also, one of the few times I actually bother to include backgrounds.

Done in Copic markers and ink.