Tiny Guardian

5 05 2019

I got inspired by this photograph by Geert  Weggen (who takes adorable photographs of squirrels!), and I drew this.  I was originally thinking of making the squirrel some kind of wizard, but I like the idea of the squirrel being a tiny guardian.


Dragon and Squirrel

18 10 2017

Inktober for 10/17


Inktober: Tea Squirrel

13 10 2014

Newest Inktober drawing!  I love both tea and squirrels and could not believe that I had not drawn them together.  So I did.


Texting Squirrel

14 07 2012

The inspiration for this drawing came a friend of mine, who told me her sister once compared people texting to squirrels.  So, here is my take on the texting squirrel (who uses only the latest in smart-phone technology):